Country of Venue


Start Date


End Date



-14:00 Opening of the event (EADTU)

-14:15 Introduction and Presentation of the BLUE ARROW project (EADTU/UNIFG)

-14:45 Showing two Blue Arrow’s stories (UNIFG)

-15:00 Description of the template (English version) (UNIFG)

-15:10 Creation of a story with the Blue Arrow Editor led by the Smarted’s group (SM)

-15:30 Hands on session and creation and implementation of the stories

-17:15 Debriefing and send the link by QR code for the SUS questionnaire

-17:30 End of the event


The event will involve all the stakeholders in the fields. The conference will have a scientific profile, with an easy involvement of researchers, teacher educators, professors, lecturers, PhD students, etc. However, the partnership will work to include also people from the business sector, as key-note speakers, fostering a Community of Practice in the field.


(1) Publishing BLUE ARROW results relative to experimental and longitudinal studies

(2) Share scientific results about innovative pedagogical framework implemented

(3) Trigger an annual conference on the theme of “Innovative Blended and Distance Learning Confernece”

(4) Disseminate the outputs of the BLUE ARROW project beyond the Partnership reaching new HEIs for implementing the methodology and technology delivered

(5) Foster the development of a Community of Practice in the field, bridging universities and business sectors

(6) Involve participants with a gamification approach by a contest with a prize competition